Member Conduct Code

Fusion Fortress | Community rules

Every member of the Fusion Fortress community should have an welcoming environment, for gaming and conversation. Your assistance is greatly appreciated to make this happen!

These guidelines are relevant, to all games and services provided by Fusion Fortress and help shape our interactions within the community – here's the essential information you should be aware of.

It's easy to adhere to the guidelines; however if they're violated we may need to take measures such, as imposing a prohibition if required.

Community Rules:
  • Its not allowed to share the information of users except, for their display name; it's best to keep your own personal details private too.
  • . Discrimination of any kind is not tolerated in Fusion Fortress.
  • Remember to treat others with respect during your gaming and conversations.
  • It is, against the rules to impersonate someone such as a player in the game or a known personality when, in Fusion Fortress.
  • Lets keep it fair and square here. Cheating or trying to bend the rules by interfering with the game or exploiting glitches is strictly prohibited.
  • You are not permitted to engage in any unlawful behavior, in this area.
  • We aim to generate content and interactions, within Fusion Fortress that experiences for all individuals.
  • Each breach of the rules is carefully examined individually.
  • If you encounter a player who is not following the rules of the game​ you have the option to report them within the game itself.
  • Keep your personal information secure and safe.

  • This is not the final version of the Fusion Fortress Community Rules. Keep an eye on changes. After all, we gathered together to have fun playing games!